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Biovelocity Sleepmate - Cerebral Palsy

Assalamualaikum semua...have a good and wonderful day!!

#biovelocitysleepmate has been one of the amazing product. It makes amazing changes and it is unbelievable. But if Allah say "yes,it is", that's Allah's will. This is our ikhtiar to help others. 

Cerebral Palsy
Name: Darwisy Firdaus
Age : 3 years old

The picture above showed the background of adik darwisy firdaus. He has been diagnosed as cerebral palsy by medical doctor.

Alhamdulillah..with Allah's will,this #bvsmoriginal change his life.Imagine what it has done to the family and to adik darwisy firdaus himself.,and to the whole family members!I can see the smiley faces..the happiness in his parents' eyes.

If you have families who are like this that need help or if you are the one who always feel tired, having asthma or migrain,feel free to contact us,Beauty and Inspire or you can contact me directly.

In shaa Allah I am sharing such a wonderful and truth stories.

Zatil 0133931984 / 0123351984

Biovelocity Sleepmate - saraf

Assalamualaikum and Good Morning!!

Gembiranya zatil tak terkira tetapi dalam masa yang sama sebak semasa mendengar perkongsian daripada beberapa pengguna #biovelocitysleepmate.

Betul!!Hanya dengan izin Allah swt setiap penyakit itu akan sembuh. Tetapi betul juga, kita perlu berikhtiar dalam mencari "ubat" terbaik.

In shaa Allah zatil akan tunjukkan apa #bvsmoriginal telah dan dapat lakukan. Ada kajian-kajian terperinci tentang pelapik tilam Dhuha ini.

Ini antara testimonial pengguna dan pengguna ini pengguna cilik yang telah dikategorikan sebagai Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU).

 Kerosakan Saraf Tunjang

Name : Steven Yoong Ho
Age : 4 years old

Adik cilik ini mengalami kerosakan saraf tunjang yang teruk selepas dijangkiti tibi.

Selepas menggunakan Biovelocity Sleepmate, alhamdulillah adik Steven mampu berdiri dan berjalan seperti kanak-kanak lain. Yang paling menyentuh perasaan adalah pabila melihat kedua-dua ibu bapa Steven gembira dan mengalirkan airmata kegembiraan.

Zatil percaya setiap seorang daripada kita inginkan yang terbaik untuk ahli keluarga. Jika kawan-kawan tahu sesiapa yang memerlukan atau sedang mengalami penyakit-penyakit ini, mungkin boleh smapaikan maklumat ini pada mereka.

Zatil boleh dihubungi pada bila-bila masa, whatsapp atau sms di 013-3931984 / 012-3351984. Sesungguhnya niat di hati zatil hanya ingin membantu adik-adik,anak-anak dan kaum keluarga yang memerlukan.

Biovelocity Sleepmate - arthritis

Assalamualaikum and Good Morning!!

I am happy to be one of the witness of this amazing changes. It is unbelievable. What #biovelocitysleepmate have done to them.

Of course,with Allah's will,imagine what it can do to your parents,your children and yourselves,and to the whole family members!This is one of our "ikhtiar".If you have families who are like this,that need help or if you are the one who always feel tired,having asthma or migrain,feel free to contact us,Beauty and Inspire or you can contact admin directly.

In shaa Allah will show you what #bvsmoriginal could do with the scientific research paper for you to read on!

And like previous entri, today will share another testimonial from Biovelocity Sleepmate user.


Name : Haji Haron Bin Noh
Age : 87 years old

Works as Tok Kadi ("Jurunikah"), Kg. Bkt. Tunggal, Kuala Terengganu.

He was suffered from serious arthritis (5 years ago) and unable to stand and walk since a year ago. Doctor have diagnosed him with chronic heart failure for the past 10 years and having complication, pulmonary oedema (peparu berair).

but alhamdulillah after using Biovelocity Sleepmate for 3 days, he able to stand by himself and walking about 20meters distance. His knee are much more stronger than before and know what? He's telling us that he feels more energetic!!

Nothing is more important than seeing people happy. Maybe today you feel healthy, strong but your family? Your parents?Your grandparents?Hopes that this sharing session will help other people.

Feel free to contact me, zatil. Whatsapp or call, pm or sms,which is convenient for you.

Zatil : 0133931984 / 0123351984
fb: Zatilfarihiah.Rasdi

A road to succeed

Assalamualaikum wbt..Good morning peeps!!Hows your Tuesday?shoulf be amazing and wonderful!kan2?

Sharing something valuable that can benefit others.Sometimes we always think that we have only two ways; either win or lose..but we never think that in order to succeed,we actually have to fail.All this difficulties helps a lot to make us win.Never give up and never underestimate ourselves.
Have a wonderful day ahead ♥