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FREE trips to Hong Kong!!!

mesti rmai yg dh tau mostly my leaders went to HK last weekends..
wow best sgt tgk gmbr2 they ol..
sgt ummpphh..
ruginyerr join biz ni lmbt
klu x mesti dpt join diaorg gak..huhu

juz nk share pic2 menarik

sure lps tgk ni korg pn teruja nk g holiday
dgn biz ni everything is FREE

muka satisfied..
of course..dpt holiday FREE,VIP trip,hotel 6 stars FREE,makan FREE,jalan2 FREE..
semua FREE la..
tggl spend duit utk shopping je..

siap ada dinner lg..kelasss gteww..

the best moment adlh time shopping..

utk yg dh kawin,ni la yg best pn..
see thru bathroom..
haha..2nd,3rd,4th honeymoon..;)

best kn??
sgt3 best..
pic speaks louder than words
nk jd mcm ni?nk njoy like them?
jom join me..
+60133931984 or +60123351984

rAhSiA wUdHu'

good morning..
guten morgen..

aritu visit papa mertua d puchong..hihi
terbaca la one magazine ni
and rs mcm xcomplete je hidup kalau xshare ngn people..
yela ilmu tu stkt ada tp xdikongsi bersama xde faedahnya jgk kn?

lps bc magazine tu rs sgt2 bertuah
sbb apa??
kita dilahirkan dlm keadaan yg sgt2 sempurna cuma kita je xsedar
bler dgr ada yg murtad and etc rs sgt sedih dan dissappointed
xsepatutnya bnda2 mcm ni berlaku..

ha..nk tau x rahsia atau kelebihan wudhu' ni??

"Kawasan aktif biologi akn memberi kesan positif apabila dirangsang"
"daripada 66 kawasan ini, 61 daripadanya berada di kawasan wuduk utama org Islam"

manakala 5 lg kawasan terletak di ant buku lali dan lutut di mana kawasan yg disunatkan berwuduk

apabila seseorang menyentuh mukanya semasa berwuduk,ia merangsang saraf bagi memberi kekuatan baru kpd organ2 spt usus,perut,pundi kencing,sistem peranakan dan sistem saraf

apabila kawasan kaki kanan dibasuh dan digosok,ia merangsang sistem saraf bg memulihkan sistem tulang,usus,pankreas,hempedu,tiroid dan kawasan pinggang

manakala apabila kaki kiri dibasuh dan digosok,dapat merangsang sistem saraf yg berperanan utk mengelokkan kelenjar pituitari dan kawasan otak yg mengawal sistem endokrin

further info:
dalam satu buku ni
title "Prayers:A Sport for The Soul and Body" melaporkan bahawa berwuduk mampu mencegah seseorang daripada kanser

let's thank Allah for everything
jgn tggl solat

dan berwuduklah dgn cara yg plg sempurna
sama2 kita memperbaiki diri masing2
renung2 kan dan selamat beramal

Colours...reduce pressure??

do u know that choosing the rite colours will actually influence ur mood?

ha..ive juz got the info from newspaper..
wanna share it with all of u..

1. Red

helps in reducing headache - if u suffer from it take a red towel and put it on ur head
it will increase ur adrenalin circulation

2. Blue

 r u stress??
try to focus on something blue - it helps to stimulate calmnessreduce blood pressure

3. Pink

if u hv prob utk tidur dgn selesa, try this..
decorate ur room with pink
mampu wujudkan suasana selesa dan santai +++ romantics..

4. Orange/jingga

good when u r sad/depressed
to give energy

5. Green

positive effect in imunisasi
galakkan suasana harmoni dan mampu hilangkan keletihan

let's colour our lives

~ gReaT oFfeR sPeCiaL fOr HaRi rAya ~

hye everyone

i'm extremely happy
especially when thinking of Ramadhan yg hampir tiba
means that Aidilfitri pn bakal muncul
hari kemenangan!!!

when talk about Hari Raya
mesti teringat semua yg meriah2..
warna warni

and because of that
i promote this new offer
exclusively for Hari Raya
start from *20th June till 20th July 2011
while stock last!!!

the offer is

when u buy 1 set Premium Beautiful corset
u will get

1. Rebalancing facial treatment

- detox treatment
- rehydrated treatment
- up lifting & firming treatment

+ fish spa (20 min)


u may choose the other FREE promo

2. Relaxing Massage for 90 min

tak percaya??
trust me..
u r not day dream at all
it's REAL

nak cantik time raya??
nk relax2 after one whole day working??
u hv the opportunity to do so
with FREE package

PB + rebalancing facial treatment + fish spa
PB + relaxing treatment

best time to rest

jgn fikir2 lg..
book NOW!!!

* terms & condition
contact me:
Zatil Rasdi
+60133931984 or +60123351984

SuCceSsFuL StOriEs ~ tHe ReAsOn Y i ChOsE tHiS biZ

holla everyone..
feels extra fresh - extra energetic - extra happy
so LOVE to share with u ol successful stories from my own leader
it's great to follow from the BEST
jom tinjau!!!

she's the one yg introduced this biz to me
slh sorg kwn from matriks dulu..huhu..
a mom of two cute boys
~ Dewi ~
and nk tau

she's got jam tangan
means that ~ RM 100,000 sales
and income ~ RM 10,000..hebat kn?

with otai2 PB biz..hehe
tiqah, k.adliza and k.hane

next successful story
first time i met her,sgt2 la ramah
mcm dh knal lama je..
~ k.adliza hizan ~
bru2 ni she's own a mercedez
wow..really great k.liza
only doing this biz u manage to get it

i'm proud of u
i'm happy to hv u as my leader

this one lg best
start from housewife
so slalu ckp xde kawan
but finally she's got her very own BMW car
~ CDM Salha ~
or known as CDM Kamikaze


and last but not least
our great great great leader
~ CDM Hanis ~

with her car
at the age of 26
power kn biz ni

till then
if they managed to do it,why not us rite??
sama je kita semua..human being..
so let's use semua kelebihan yang Allah dh kurniakan
and mmg dh tertulis kita perlu berusaha utk capai impian

we can do it..
how to start with this biz?

contact me:
~ zAtiL ~
text/call/whatsapp: +60133931984
or +60123351984