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Just happy ♡

Looking at this two pics,really make me happy and smile..hehe..i am a happy mama with my adorable sons & daughter ♥♥♥
wanna know my tips?
1. minum air kosong secukupnya
2. NEVER skip ur meal
3. mknn seimbang (buah,sayur,CHO,good fats etc)
4. wearing premium beautiful corset at least for 8hrs/day
honestly,ms confinement yg ke-4 ni mmg xmkn jamu lgsg..bli set confinement tanamera postnatal - mmg best!!dlmnya ada utk ms pantang ala2 g spa..scrub dan mcm2..syok!!tp xde mkn jamu sbb bfeeding..but alhamdulillah,dgn tips ni mmg trun byk..and now wpn mkn byk (lpr esp tgh mlm..huhuhu),berat xnaik..
cantik itu confidence itu penting dlm development diri ;)

Year End Sale 2012 ♡♡

Holla lovelies!!
As of 5.30pm today, 3rd of December 2012 until 9 am on the 6th December 2012, I am happy to announce The Year End Sale special Premium Beautiful Corset Promotion!!
lets grab our promotion..with a reasonable price..FREE gift,FREE consultation..★★★★★

1. FREE PB wash

2. FREE sample lactolite/bb plus collagen (it's ur choice (",))

(khas utk lancarkan penghadaman; kempiskan perut)

(utk kulit yg anjal,lembut dan halus; glowing; antioksidan;tinggi vitamin C)

3. special gift!!!

this offer valid till 6 December 2012
*credit card/cash

xoxo :)
contact me:
zatil rasdi 0123351984/0133931984 ♥ hugs

* Neither I nor any of my lovely Perfect Cut Team of Experts sell our Top Quality Premium Beautiful Corset at such low ridiculous prices. We adhere to the rules and regulations as set by Hai-O Marketing Sdn Bhd of which forbids us to sell our goods below the price guidance. We at Perfect Cut strongly advise our readers to be cautious and not be duped into buying counterfeit, ‘ciplak’ Premium Beautiful Corsets. We only sell fresh stocks of Premium Beautiful Corset and we are authorised Premium Beautiful Agents and Experts with ONLY GENUINE GOODS. Thank you folks, Happy Shopping! *

~ sweet lil baby ♥~

dh lma nk update tntg our lil bambam asyik lupa mlm ni sambil2 tgk tv,blhla cter2..hihihi
alhamdulillah..selamat deliver our 4th child..andddddd yg lg best sbb geng mama..
tp mndebarkan jgk sbb kali ni xturun randa pn..cuma air ketuban tau2 basah je..suspen!!hubby lak kbtulan mak & ayah anta kn ke hosp..
so mcm biasa,smpi2 cek itu buka 4cm..and yg plg syoknye after 2hrs bru bkak 5cm..reason: bby sdap tdo..hahaha..mama pn mujur xsakit and layannnnn tdo jgk..hehehe..
dlm pukul 7.20am sakit dan trus rs nk bsalin sgt dh..keadaan agak huru hara sbb time tu la nurse nk pggl hubby..akhirnya,7.25am selamatla melahirkn bby girl..heee..
ok..till then..xoxo..ahaks