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tHe LaTeSt PrOdUct

Assalamualaikum and Good Morning Peeps!!!
looks stunning and glowing

i'm happy to introduce Premium Beautiful latest product
launched on 16 July 2011
PBeautiful Shortbra

VERY VERY VERY comfortable for preggy mommies
& breastfeeding mom
and also to ladies yg sgt3 mementingkan the beauties and healthiness of the breast

contact me for details
+60133931984 / +60123351984

Red Carpet!!!

Assalamualaikum..holla everyone..
Greaaaatttt!!!Yesterday's event was is the happiness and njoyable moment..
Since morning..1030am dh start mix & matching dress for the event..haha..maklum je la never been in the biggest event SUPER excited!!!

Smpi PGRM around 2pm..but i'm afraid to go inside the waiting for Dewi,Farihah,Tqa and Aina dkt luar..(ada ke patut?)..huhu..segan..sbb tak pernah dress up so rs mcm over..hihi..
But..when i went to the hall..ya Allah..macam event dgn artis2..hall tu dibanjiri dengan red & black theme..soooooo nice..sgt3 teruja..i feel much3 prettier..hahaha..

so guys..this are the pics throughout the events..totally inspired dgn leaders2 muda yg succeed..congratez to all yg received awards & of course we r looking forward for next-next-next event..Diamond nite & definitely hols in Holland & Belgium!!!...Aminnn...

me,farihah,ana & dewi..

with CDM Salha..greattt!

ooppss..Dewi pose!!



with CDM Salha's group..awww..

girlz with CDM Rohana..wonderful,successful leader

ho ho ho Holland!!!spot me..