#biovelocitysleepmate has been one of the amazing product. It makes amazing changes and it is unbelievable. But if Allah say "yes,it is", that's Allah's will. This is our ikhtiar to help others.
Cerebral Palsy
Name: Darwisy Firdaus
Age : 3 years old
The picture above showed the background of adik darwisy firdaus. He has been diagnosed as cerebral palsy by medical doctor.
Alhamdulillah..with Allah's will,this #bvsmoriginal change his life.Imagine what it has done to the family and to adik darwisy firdaus himself.,and to the whole family members!I can see the smiley faces..the happiness in his parents' eyes.
If you have families who are like this that need help or if you are the one who always feel tired, having asthma or migrain,feel free to contact us,Beauty and Inspire or you can contact me directly.
In shaa Allah I am sharing such a wonderful and truth stories.
Zatil 0133931984 / 0123351984