before this,always tertanya-tanya kenapa la everyone sibuk cari side income..and mostly semuanya through as I'm involved dlm dunia biz,bru la faham...dgn keadaan global skrg ni,harga minyak,harga brgn keperluan rumah,anak2,byrn maid @ nursery,everything sgt2 memerlukan duit.
Zatil sndiri pnh mncuba mcm2 biz sbb mr hubby sgt minat dgn drpd menjual tudung,bju baby,bju ladies,topup and mcm2 lagi..sampailah last sekali berjumpa dgn my friend sjak dr matriks dlu,Dewi Nurhayati yg introduced me to this biz..and why I chose this biz?These are the secrets:
1. Leader
for me,before pilih apa2 biz yg kta nk buat,kena tgk jgk pd leader..kenapa?coz from them la kita akn belajar each single thing bout the biz..and I'm glad that this biz really under 1 happy & productive family!!!support and knowledge yg tak ada mcm2 incentives yg kta blh dpt dr leaders..tq to all leader yg xpnh jemu2 tlg!!FOLLOWWWW jeee...
congratez to my machos and gorgeous :)
our CDM K.Ana & CDM A.Lan yg berjaya smpi masuk Personal Money magazine
(bkn calang2 tau)
2. Product
of course la,klu nk ber-biz mesti tgk product..product yg quality mmg snang sgt2 nk jual..LIFETIME warranty + mmg diketahui keberkesanannya..tak percaya?cuba dulu..mmg it's the BEST!create for 70% kesihatan & 30% kecantikan.
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product plg latest,Premium Beautiful Shortbra =D
3. Marketing Plan
pointa value terkumpul bersama kumpulan,no expiry point and yg palinggg penting adalah teamwork business!!!nk tahu plan mcm mana,jom date!zatil show u 1 by 1..=)
teamwork yg hebat,terus mewarnai kehidupan!!
4. Company
cth tgk pd Oldtown White Coffee,Secret Recipe,KFC,McDonalds..semua tu antara company terunggul..tapi mampu ke kita nak keluarkn modal ratusan ribu utk dptkan franchise mcm tu?that's why,pemilihan company yg betul one of important aspect yg kta kna consider..and that's why jgk I chose this yg dh mmg stable ditmbh pulak dgn pengikitirafan2 yg cukup beri keyakinan utk mulakan lgkh sbg businessman/woman..
when you have all this 4 aspects,it is not impossible to generate 4/5/6 figure incomes..ratusan ribu tau!!!!as SIDE mmg BEST!
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